Casting pour Moulin Rouge!


Le site Regard en Coulisse relaie l'annonce qui suit sans préjuger de la véracité des éléments qui y sont mentionnés, notamment en termes de conditions d'engagement. Les personnes qui postuleraient sont invitées à les vérifier par elles-mêmes.

Une annonce de cast­ing « in Eng­lish in the text » : elle con­cerne une pro­duc­tion alle­mande du show.


Based on Baz Luhrmann’s leg­endary film Moulin Rouge!, the Aus­tralian theatrical
pro­duc­ing com­pa­ny Glob­al Crea­tures togeth­er with book writer John Logan (Red, Sky­fall) and music com­pos­er Justin Levine devel­oped over a peri­od of ten years the stage musi­cal ver­sion of Moulin Rouge! The Musi­cal.

In July 2019, under the direc­tion of Alex Tim­bers and with the chore­og­ra­phy from Sonya Tayeh, the show pre­miered on Broad­way to great crit­i­cal acclaim and excel­lent reviews. In Octo­ber 2020, Moulin Rouge! The Musi­cal was hon­oured with 14 Tony Award nom­i­na­tions includ­ing Best Musical.

Since autumn 2022, Moulin Rouge! Das Musi­cal is exclu­sive­ly run­ning for the Ger­man-speak­ing mar­ket an en-suite pro­duc­tion in Cologne, Germany.

For the cast change 2025, we are seek­ing incred­i­ble actors/singers for all prin­ci­pal roles in the show as well as amaz­ing ath­let­ic dancers with exper­tise in mul­ti­ple dance styles.

Moulin Rouge! The Musi­cal is an inclu­sive work­place – you’re wel­come here. We strong­ly encour­age peo­ple of all eth­nic ori­gins, neu­ro­di­verse and gen­der diverse artists to submit.


Female, in the 30s, any eth­nic­i­ty is wel­come to apply. Satine is a star. Beau­ti­ful, glam­orous, sexy, com­mand­ing. Ful­ly aware of her worth. Wicked sense of humour and smart… But beyond this, our hero­ine has a deep human­i­ty. She has suf­fered and her wounds are very close to the skin. Must be an incred­i­ble singer. Pow­er­ful High Belt and strong mix voice.

Male, 20s-30s, any eth­nic­i­ty is wel­come to apply. A hand­some young Amer­i­can. There’s a spe­cial inten­si­ty and dri­ve behind his easy and nat­ur­al charm. Not an ingénu, not entire­ly inno­cent. A man of quick pas­sion, warm humour, and deep secrets. Must be an incred­i­ble singer. High pop tenor.

Hen­ri Toulouse-Lautrec
Male, 30s-40s, any eth­nic­i­ty is wel­come to apply. The famous French artist. He is a bold vision­ary and a tough-mind­ed anti-roman­tic roman­tic. A doomed genius. Extreme­ly charis­mat­ic and fer­vent­ly elo­quent. Must be a strong singer. Baritone.

Male, 40s-60s, any eth­nic­i­ty is wel­come to apply. The M.C. and Impre­sario of the Moulin Rouge. He seems almost a human car­i­ca­ture – too grand and showy. His man­ner is sly and insin­u­at­ing. He’s know­ing and wise, crafty, and venal. All in all, irre­sistible. Must be a strong singer. Baritone.

Male, 30s-40s, any eth­nic­i­ty is wel­come to apply. A hand­some, vir­ile man. Drip­ping with wealth and pow­er. Old French aris­toc­ra­cy, mod­ern atti­tudes, and tastes. He car­ries real class and grav­i­tas. Dan­ger­ous­ly sexy. Must be an incred­i­ble singer. Tenor

Male, 30s, BPoC (Latin Amer­i­can her­itage). San­ti­a­go is a com­i­cal­ly dash­ing fig­ure. He’s the great­est tan­go dancer in Paris – and the great­est gigo­lo. A fero­cious Argen­tin­ian swash­buck­ler, he lives for the extrav­a­gant tor­ments of love. He’s wild, dan­ger­ous, and unpre­dictable, dri­ven by his pas­sion­ate emo­tions. A bril­liant dancer. Must be an incred­i­ble singer. Baritenor.

Female, 30s, any eth­nic­i­ty is wel­come to apply. Lead dancer at the Moulin Rouge. Sharp, ambi­tious, sexy, and cun­ning. Has all the assets of a real star, except for warmth. Hard and gor­geous as a gem­stone. Bril­liant dancer. Must be a strong singer. Strong High Belt.

Baby Doll
Cis Male, Trans Female, Non-Bina­ry, 20s-30s, any eth­nic­i­ty is wel­come to apply. Dancer at the Moulin Rouge. Beau­ti­ful young drag artist. Plays the ingenue bril­liant­ly, but gen­uine­ly sweet at heart. Baby Doll has known suf­fer­ing and looks up to Satine. Must be a high tenor with strong falsetto/mix.

La Choco­lat
Female, 20s-30s, BPoC (African or Caribbean her­itage). Dancer at the Moulin Rouge. Sin­u­ous, untouch­able, supe­ri­or and impe­ri­ous. Has seen it all. Do not – repeat – do not mess with her. Strong Belt.

Female, 20s-30s, any eth­nic­i­ty is wel­come to apply. Moulin Rouge lead dancer. Been through a lot. Amy Wine­house sense of glam­orous decay. Strong Belt.

Male and Female Dancers
20s-30s, any eth­nic­i­ty is wel­come to apply. Seek­ing incred­i­ble dancers with strong tech­ni­cal skills, style, and ath­leti­cism. Singing abil­i­ty, a plus.

Male and Female Ensemble/Swings
20s-30s, any eth­nic­i­ty is wel­come to apply. Seek­ing incred­i­ble singer/actor/dancers with strong tech­ni­cal skills, style, and ath­leti­cism. Some per­form­ers from the

Cov­er prin­ci­pal roles, minor roles, and ensem­ble tracks.

ATG Enter­tain­ment is com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing a safe, respect­ful, and inclu­sive audi­tion envi­ron­ment that is free from dis­crim­i­na­tion, harass­ment, and bullying.
Some roles require:
• The use of tobac­co-free smok­ing props and/or to be onstage with per­form­ers using tobac­co-free smok­ing props.
• Appear­ance in cos­tume ele­ments of a semi-nude nature i.e., corsetry and/or G‑string underwear.
• To work/fly at heights in a harness.
If you are uncom­fort­able with any of the above, please let us know in your audition

Appli­ca­tions are only pos­si­ble through until Sep­tem­ber 6, 2024.
Please make sure that your Castapp pro­file is com­plete and that you have uploaded at least one video to your profile.
Appli­ca­tion for Roles: Please upload a Ger­man-lan­guage video to your Castapp profile.
Appli­ca­tion for Dance Ensem­ble: Please upload a dance video in the style Modern/Jazz.
Appli­ca­tions by e‑mail can­not be processed.

Ham­burg: Mon­day, Sep­tem­ber 30th – Wednes­day, Octo­ber 2nd, 2024.
Vien­na: Thurs­day, Octo­ber 3rd – Fri­day, Octo­ber 4th, 2024.
Cologne: Mon­day, Octo­ber 7th – Tues­day, Octo­ber 8th, 2024.
Madrid: Wednes­day, Octo­ber 9th, 2024.
Milan: Thurs­day, Octo­ber 10th – Fri­day, Octo­ber 11th, 2024.
Finals: Work ses­sions / Call­backs / Finals: Cologne: Expect­ed mid-Novem­ber 2024 to ear­ly Decem­ber 2024.
Trav­el expens­es to the audi­tion can­not be covered.
Rehearsal Start: May 19th, 2025.
Pre­miere: (to be con­firmed) July 5th, 2025.
Con­tract dura­tion: May 19th, 2025 – June 30th, 2026.
Ensuite pro­duc­tion / 8 shows per week
Please indi­cate any exist­ing off dates direct­ly in your application.


  1. Bon­jour, impos­si­ble d’ac­céder à la plate­forme par deux ordi­na­teurs mac dif­férents, et par mon télé­phone Pix­el 6. Fonc­tionne unique­ment sur un PC-pub­lic, en bib­lio­thèque (donc pas pu ajouter mes vidéos). Voilà, je ne peux donc pas par­ticiper à ces audi­tions. Bonne chance à ceux que l’in­for­ma­tique n’élim­in­era pas d’of­fice avant même les auditions.


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